My uncle Tom died two years ago today. I was blessed to have spent a lot of time with him in the handful of years before he passed, and to spend that time as two adults talking, sharing, laughing. He had a chronic illness and even when we moved within four hours of him in 2016 we knew Tom’s years were numbered, so we visited any time we could find an excuse. When he got actively sick my girls made him cards and we talked openly about his health and then, when the day was at hand, we talked about what to expect at the funeral. It was their first funeral, as non-infants, and I was very impressed with how well they did. This resource has some good tips for helping persons with intellectual disabilities grieve whether the death was something foreseeable or unexpected. And honestly, some of the tips are great for all kids!
Posted by at 2024-09-24 14:29:00 UTC