I'm excited to announce that Dr. Elizabeth Potts, the Associate Director for Diocesan Relations for the National Catholic Partnership on Disabilities will be taking over the Family, Faith and Disability channel from Lori Wieder who was serving the NCPD and this channel as a volunteer. I want to offer my sincere thanks to Lori for helping us get this channel off the ground, and I look forward to seeing the channel develop under Dr. Beth's direction. Here's her bio: Elizabeth Potts, Ph.D. Associate Director of Diocesan Relations Beth Potts earned a Ph.D. in special education from the University of Virginia. She then spent 17 years training current and future teachers to teach learners with disabilities, most recently as an Associate Professor of Special Education at Missouri Western State University. As a special educator and an engaging and clear presenter, she has a wealth of experience helping people realize a host of realities about persons with disabilities. Most importantly, regarding how their full participation in the Church and society benefits everyone. Potts is an active volunteer in her home parish in Kansas City, MO, where she leads their mental health ministry, an area that has been a passion since her days working with learners with emotional and behavioral disabilities in the K-12 classroom. Welcome aboard!

Posted by Dr Greg at 2024-06-27 20:17:02 UTC